一般社団法人 日本リウマチ学会

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アルファベット順 / Alphabetical order

Shervin Assassi(Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA)

Dr. Shervin Assassi

Symposium 9

Future perspective of molecular targeted therapies in systemic sclerosis

Date: April 25 (Fri) 8:45-10:45
Venue: Room 2(Palace room, 2F, Fukuoka Sunpalace)
Role: Chair &Speaker
Title: Personalized Medicine in Systemic Sclerosis: Current Status and the Road Ahead

Evening Seminar 17

Date: April 25 (Fri) 18:00-19:00
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: Screening, evaluation, and treatment of systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases based on recently published guidelines

Hans W Bijlsma (University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands)

Hans W Bijlsma

Special Symposium 2(EULAR Session)

Cutting edge therapies in rheumatic diseases - from glucocorticoids to cell based treatment - EULAR Symposium

Date: April 25 (Fri) 8:45-10:45
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: 75 years of glucocorticoid treatment: too early for a final ordeal

Marie-Christophe Boissier (Inserm U1125, Bobigny, France / University of Sorbonne Paris North, Bobigny, France / Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Avicenne's hospital, Department of Rheumatology, Bobigny, France)

Marie-Cristophe Boissier

Symposium 3(Planning by International Committee)

Up-to-date pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment challenges of arthritis and enthesitis

Date: April 24 (Thu) 9:30-12:00
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Chair & Speaker
Title: Environment and Exposome in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Gerd R. Burmester (Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany)

Gerd R. Burmester

Special Symposium 2(EULAR Session)

Cutting edge therapies in rheumatic diseases - from glucocorticoids to cell based treatment - EULAR Symposium

Date: April 25 (Fri) 8:45-10:45
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Chair & Speaker
Title: CAR T-cells, BiTEs and more - are we on the road to cure of autoimmune diseases?

Luncheon Seminar 2

JAK inhibitors in the treatment of RA

Date: April 24 (Thu) 12:15-13:15
Venue: Room 2(Palace room, 2F, Fukuoka Sunpalace)
Role: Speaker
Title: Efficacy and Safety of JAK Inhibitors for the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Structural and Clinical Remission With Filgotinib

Luncheon Seminar 17

JAK inhibitors in the treatment of RA

Date: April 25 (Fri) 12:05-13:05
Venue: Room 2(Palace room, 2F, Fukuoka Sunpalace)
Role: Speaker
Title: Modern Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis With JAK Inhibitors: Evidence for the Clinical Utility of Filgotinib

Evening Seminar 1

Optimizing treatment of RA: Achieving treatment goals with Upadacitinib

Date: April 24 (Thu) 17:15-18:15
Venue: Room 2(Palace room, 2F, Fukuoka Sunpalace)
Role: Speaker

JCR World Top Masterclass

Date: April 23(Wed) 14:30-18:20
Venue: Room 14(503, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Lecturer

Scott Canna (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, USA)

Scott Canna

Symposium 21

Recent Advances in Systemic Autoinflammatory Diseases

Date: April 26 (Sat) 14:25-16:55
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: Sources and effects of excess IL-18 in Auto- and Hyperinflammatory Diseases

Yen-An Chang (Division of Allergy-Immunology-Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan)

Yen-an Chang

Symposium 7(J-STAR Session)

Comprehensive approach to Difficult to treat PsA/axSpA: from bench to clinical practice

Date: April 24 (Thu) 14:50-16:50
Venue: Room 9(411, 4F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: Clinical Characteristics and Predictors of Difficult-to-Manage Axial Spondyloarthritis: Insights from a Single-Center Retrospective Study

Ved Prakash Chaturvedi (Deputy Secretary General of APLAR)

Ved Prakash Chaturvedi

Special Symposium 4(APLAR session)

Progress of Practice and Research in Asia Pacific regions/countries

Date: April 26 (Sat) 8:45-10:45
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Chair

Maria Dall'Era (University of California San Francisco, USA)

Maria Dall'Era

Special Symposium 3(ACR Session)

Lupus nephritis from basic and clinical aspects

Date: April 25 (Fri) 15:40-17:40
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: Taming the Wolf- The Evolving Treatment Paradigm for Lupus Nephritis

Roy M. Fleischmann (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA)

Roy M Fleischmann

TREG Session

ACR2024, EULAR2024 conference topics

Date: April 25 (Fri) 8:45-10:45
Venue: Room 1(Concert Hall, 2F, Fukuoka Sunpalace)
Role: Speaker
Title: New Molecules in Development for Rheumatic Diseases

Allan Gibofsky (Hospital for Special Surgery-Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, USA)

Allan Gibofsky

TREG Session

ACR2024, EULAR2024 conference topics

Date: April 25 (Fri) 8:45-10:45
Venue: Room 1(Concert Hall, 2F, Fukuoka Sunpalace)
Role: Speaker
Title: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Autoimmune Rheumatic Disorders

Tom W. Huizinga (Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands)

Tom W. Huizinga

Symposium 1

Clinical suspect arthralgia, Early arthritis and Early Rheumatoid arthritis

Date: April 24 (Thu) 9:30-12:00
Venue: Room 1(Concert Hall, 2F, Fukuoka Sunpalace)
Role: Chair & Speaker
Title: Glycobiology and maturation of AMPA during clinical suspect arthralgia to RA

Luncheon Seminar 27

Date: April 25 (Fri) 12:05-13:05
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: The Role of IL6 in Optimizing Treatment in Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Md Nazrul Islam (Department of Rheumatology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh)

Md Nazrul Islam

Special Symposium 4(APLAR Session)

Progress of Practice and Research in Asia Pacific regions/countries

Date: April 26 (Sat) 8:45-10:45
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: Which test is Preferable for the Screening of Latent Tuberculosis in Refractory Spondyloarthritis Patients: Tuberculin Skin Test and or QuantiFERON TB Gold Test

David Jayne (University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom)

David Jayne

Luncheon Seminar 32

ANCA associated vasculitis, AAV

Date: April 26 (Sat) 12:25-13:25
Venue: Room 2(Palace room, 2F, Fukuoka Sunpalace)
Role: Speaker
Title: Complement inhibition with avacopan in the treatment of ANCA associated vasculitis From clinical trials to real world experience to practical use in the clinic

J. Michelle Kahlenberg (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)

J. Michelle Kahlenberg

Special Symposium 3(ACR Session)

Lupus nephritis from basic and clinical aspects

Date: April 25 (Fri) 15:40-17:40
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: The evolving understanding of lupus pathogenesis.

Dan Kastner (Inflammatory Disease Section, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA)

Dan Kastner

Symposium 21

Recent Advances in Systemic Autoinflammatory Diseases

Date: April 26 (Sat) 14:25-16:55
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker

Arthur Kavanaugh (University of California, San Diego, USA)

Arthur Kavanaugh

TREG Session

ACR2024, EULAR2024 conference topics

Date: April 25 (Fri) 8:45-10:45
Venue: Room 1(Concert Hall, 2F, Fukuoka Sunpalace)
Role: Speaker
Title: TREG session: ACR 2024, EULAR 2024 conference topics

Jose Paulo P. Lorenzo (University of the Philippines, Philippine General Hospital, Manila, Philippines & Makati Medical Center, Makati, Philippines)

Jose Paulo P Lorenzo

Special Symposium 4(APLAR session)

Progress of Practice and Research in Asia Pacific regions/countries

Date: April 26 (Sat) 8:45-10:45
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: Bridging the Gap: Pitfalls in Gout Management

Andrea H. Low (Singapore General Hospital, Duke-National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Andrea H Low

Special Symposium 4(APLAR Session)

Progress of Practice and Research in Asia Pacific regions/countries

Date: April 26 (Sat) 8:45-10:45
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: The Winding Path Towards Building the APLAR Systemic Sclerosis Incident Cohort

Cristina Macía-Villa (Ramón y Cajal University Hospital, Madrid, Spain)

Cristina Macía-Villa

Symposium 7 (J-STAR Session)

Comprehensive approach to Difficult to treat PsA/axSpA: from bench to clinical practice

Date: April 24 (Thu) 14:50-16:50
Venue: Room 9(411, 4F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: Difficult to treat PsA

Dennis G. McGonagle (The University of Leeds, UK)

Dennis G. Mcgonagle

Symposium 3 (Planning by International Committee)

Up-to-date pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment challenges of arthritis and enthesitis

Date: April 24 (Thu) 9:30-12:00
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: Pathogenesis of enthesitis and secondary synovitis

Iain B. McInnes (College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (MVLS), University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK)

Iain B. McInnes

JCR World Top Masterclass

Date: April 23(Wed) 14:30-18:20
Venue: Room 15(504+505, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Lecturer

Philip J. Mease (University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, / Providence - Swedeish Medical Center, Seattle, WA, USA)

Philip Mease

TREG Session

ACR2024, EULAR2024 conference topics

Date: April 25 (Fri) 8:45-10:45
Venue: Room 1(Concert Hall, 2F, Fukuoka Sunpalace)
Role: Speaker
Title: Spondyloarthritis

Marta Mosca (University of Pisa, Italy)

Marta Mosca

Special Symposium 2(EULAR Session)

Cutting edge therapies in rheumatic diseases - from glucocorticoids to cell based treatment - EULAR Symposium

Date: April 25 (Fri) 8:45-10:45
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: The importance of preventing damage accrual in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

Ki-Jeong Park (Chonnam National University Medical School and Hospital, Gwangju, Republic of Korea)

Ki-jeong Park

Symposium 7(J-STAR Session)

Comprehensive approach to Difficult to treat PsA/axSpA: from bench to clinical practice

Date: April 24 (Thu) 14:50-16:50
Venue: Room 9(411, 4F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: A Comprehensive overview of basic research in Spondyloarthritis

Shyam Prabhakar (Genome Institute of Singapore, A*STAR)

Shyam Prabhakar

Symposium 8(Planning by International Committee)

Profiling human disease immunology by single cell multi-omics analyses

Date: April 24 (Thu) 14:30-17:00
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Chair & Speaker
Title: Single cell analysis reveals Asian diversity and immune disease markers

Josef S. Smolen (Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine 3, Medical University of Vienna, Austria)

Josef S. Smolen

Special Symposium 2(EULAR Session)

Cutting edge therapies in rheumatic diseases - from glucocorticoids to cell based treatment - EULAR Symposium

Date: April 25 (Fri) 8:45-10:45
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: Can we approach personalized medicine in rheumatoid arthritis despite lack of insights from modern molecular markers?

Evening Seminar 9

The importance of IL-6 blockade in autoimmune disease

Date: April 25 (Fri) 18:00-19:30
Venue: Room 2(Palace room, 2F, Fukuoka Sunpalace)
Role: Speaker
Title: The major role of interleukin (IL) -6 receptor (R) blockade in Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and inflammatory conditions:

JCR World Top Masterclass

Date: April 23 (Wed) 14:30-18:20
Venue: Room 13(502, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Lecturer

Blagoje Soskic (Human Technopole, Italy)

Blagoje Soskic

Symposium 8(Planning by International Committee)

Profiling human disease immunology by single cell multi-omics analyses

Date: April 24 (Thu) 14:30-17:00
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: Transcriptional control of human B cell activation and antibody production

Chun Jimmie Ye (University of California San Francisco, USA)

Chun Jimmie Ye

Symposium 8(Planning by International Committee)

Profiling human disease immunology by single cell multi-omics analyses

Date: April 24 (Thu) 14:30-17:00
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: Single cell multiomics across diverse humanpopulations reveals novel genetic determinants andmechanisms of immune-related complex diseases

Man Lung Yip (Integrated Diagnostic and Medical Centre, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Hong Kong)

Man Lung Yip

Special Symposium 4(APLAR Session)

Progress of Practice and Research in Asia Pacific regions/countries

Date: April 26 (Sat) 8:45-10:45
Venue: Room 12(501, 5F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Role: Speaker
Title: Comorbidities in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies
