Japan College of

Hamamatsu-cho Empress
Bldg. 3F, 2-9-6
Hamamatsu-cho, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 105-0013, JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-6435-9761
FAX: +81-3-6435-9762
E-mail: gakkaih@ryumachi-jp.com Facebook X

Congress Secretariat

c/o Congrès Inc.
Onward Park Bldg., 3-10-5 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku Tokyo
103-8276, JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-3510-3701
FAX: +81-3-3510-3702
E-mail: support@jcr2025.com X

Late Breaking Abstracts

Submission Period

February 3 (Mon.) 2025- March 19 (Wed.) 2025, noon(JST)


We will be accepting “Late Breaking Abstracts” in this meeting to provide a forum for reports on the very latest research outcomes that became available after the general abstract submission period. Please see details below. We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Embargo Policy

Please click here for the Embargo Policy of the Japan College of Rheumatology.

Eligibility for Submission

Non-Japanese Citizens who reside outside of Japan

Authors of abstracts are not required to be a JCR member.

If you wish to join JCR, please refer to the following website.

There is no age limit for abstract submission.

Non-Japanese Citizens who reside in Japan

  • First authors of abstracts MUST be a JCR member.
  • Non-JCR members can submit abstracts, but must become a JCR member before the submission deadline.
    Please apply for JCR membership on the following website.
  • If a first author remains a non-JCR member after the submission deadline, the abstract is subject to retraction.
  • There is no age limit for abstract submission.

Non-Japanese Citizens who are JCR members

  • Please send your number of JCR member to the secretariat after abstract submission.
  • There is no age limit for abstract submission.

New Submission, Review and Modify

Late Breaking Abstracts Submission, Review and Modify

  • If you are a JCR member, please access the online member site and log in to your page. You can submit your abstract on your page.
  • Applicants cannot submit the same abstract to both English and Japanese Submission Systems.
    (i.e. it can be submitted ONLY through either English or Japanese system)
  • If you are a Japanese JCR member or Japanese living abroad, please use the Japanese system.

Abstract Requirements

  • Abstracts must be of original work and may be acceptable if containing some additional information to those presented or published anywhere prior to JCR2025.
  • Please describe drugs with general name instead of drug name.
  • Accepted late breaking abstracts to JCR2025 will be published in "Mobile App for JCR2025 Abstracts".
  • Applicants cannot submit the same abstract to both English and Japanese Submission.
    (i.e. it can be submitted ONLY through either English or Japanese)
  • Abstracts may be rejected as the result of abstract review for reasons such as: contents not well organized (e.g. Section paragraphs [Object, Methods, Results, and Conclusions] are not specified), contents seen to be not suitable for presentation in JCR2025, and so on.
  • Please refrain from including the names of co-presenters in the body of the abstract.

Abstract Structure

  • Objectives
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion


*No graphs, tables, or images can be included in abstracts.

*If the abstract contents are a case report, please clearly state the clinical significance of the study.

Abstract Length

Please keep your abstract length within the following limits.

Abstract Body 2,000 characters, including spaces and punctuation
Abstract Title No Word Limit
Number of Authors Up to 30 authors
Number of Affiliations Up to 20 institutions


*First author is considered as the presenting as well as corresponding author.

*Please do not include authors' information within abstract body. Any authors' information within abstract body may be deleted from publication.

*Though no word limit is set for "Abstract Title", "Authors" and "Affiliations", the contents of the abstract may be printed in small font size if the total letter number is too large.

List of Categories

Please submit an abstract to one of the following categories.

  • Clinical: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
  • Clinical: Diseases Other than RA
  • Translational research & Basic

Conflict of Interest (COI)

The first author of an abstract for the JCR annual meeting must declare any financial or personal relationships that may pose conflicts of interest upon acceptance for presentation at the annual meeting.
Please refer to the COI page for COI declaration requirements.

About COI Declaration

JCR2024 一般演題カテゴリー一覧

1 リウマチ性疾患の疫学/Epidemiology
2 リウマチ性疾患の基礎研究/Basic science
3 リウマチ性疾患の臨床検査・自己抗体/Laboratory examination and autoantibodies
4 リウマチ性疾患の画像/Imaging
5 関節リウマチの病因・病態/RA pathogenesis
6 関節リウマチの治療評価と予測/Outcome measures and prediction for RA treatment
7 関節リウマチの関節外病変/Extra-articular lesions of RA
8 関節リウマチの治療:DMARDs・NSAIDs、その他/ DMARDs and NSAIDs for RA treatment and others
9 関節リウマチの治療:生物学的製剤/biological DMARDs for RA treatment
10 関節リウマチの治療:tsDMARDs・JAK阻害薬/tsDMARDs and JAK inhibitor for RA treatment
11 リウマチ性疾患の手術/Surgery for Rheumatic Disease
12 脊椎関節炎/Spondyloarthritis
13 結晶性関節炎・痛風/Gout and other crystal-induced arthritis
14 骨粗鬆症と骨代謝/Osteoporosis and bone metabolism
15 変形性関節症・軟骨/Osteoarthritis and cartilage
16 SLE・抗リン脂質抗体症候群:治療/SLE and antiphospholipid syndrome:Treatment
17 SLE・抗リン脂質抗体症候群:臨床(治療を除く)/SLE and antiphospholipid syndrome:Clinical aspects(excluding treatment)
18 SLE・抗リン脂質抗体症候群:基礎/SLE and antiphospholipid syndrome:Basic aspects
19 強皮症・MCTD・重複症候群/Systemic sclerosis, MCTD and overlap syndrome
20 多発性筋炎・皮膚筋炎/Polymyositis and dermatomyositis
21 大型血管炎/Large vessel vasculitis
22 中小型血管炎:治療/Medium and small vessel vasculitis:Treatment
23 中小型血管炎:臨床(治療を除く)/Medium and small vessel vasculitis:Clinical aspects(excluding treatment)
24 シェーグレン症候群/Sjögren's syndrome
25 IgG4関連疾患/IgG4-related diseases
26 ベーチェット病・成人スチル病・成人自己炎症症候群/Behçet's disease, adult Still's disease and Autoinflammatory disorders
27 小児の膠原病および若年性特発性関節炎・自己炎症症候群/Juvenile connective tissue diseases and JIA and Autoinflammatory disorders
28 その他の(多彩な)膠原病/Other connective tissue diseases
29 リウマチ性疾患の合併症(感染症以外・アミロイドーシス・その他)/Comorbidities of rheumatic diseases (non-infectious comorbidity, amyloidosis and others)
30 リウマチ性疾患と感染症(COVID19を含む)/Rheumatic diseases and infection including COVID19
31 臨床(内科)/Internal medicine
32 臨床(外科)/Surgery
33 リハビリテーション/Rehabilitation
34 多職種・看護/Interprofessional team collaboration・Nursing care
35 妊娠・出産・移行医療/Pregnancy, delivery, and transition

Other Important Points

If you wish to withdraw your abstract, please contact the Congress Secretariat via email (jcr2025-abs@congre.co.jp) during the submission period.

Late Breaking Abstracts Review

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed.
Abstracts may be allocated to “Late Breaking Abstracts Poster Viewing” or rejected according to the result of abstract review.

Result of Abstract Review

The result of the abstract review will be announced around the end of March to your registered email address as well as on the JCR2025 website.

Notifications will be sent by email. If you do not receive the notifications, please contact the Congress Secretariat by email: jcr2025-abs@congre.co.jp


【For Abstract Submission】

Congress Secretariat

TEL:+81-3-3510-3701 (9:30-17:30, weekdays only)

E-mail: jcr2025-abs@congre.co.jp

【JCR Secretariat】

Japan College of Rheumatology

TEL: +81-3-6435-9761
